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发布时间:2022-02-21 12:40:02 查看人数:18


【第1篇 国际业务管理岗位职责

国际云业务渠道管理 1. recruit flagship enterprise customers in an overseas market and migrate them onto cloud.

2. establish local partner network to resell and services;

3. also carry the kpi of total local market consumption, including on-line customer acquisition;

4. help on local marketing events to recruit customers;

5. other international assignment as assigned;


1. knowledge and e_perience of working as a sales or bd in an international market;

2. able to work independently in a remote market and achieve result in highly stressful environment;

3. e_cellent english communication skills

4. cloud related knowledge

5. able to team work with team members across regions

6. 7+ years of working e_perience. 1、需要至少2门语言,本地+英文,如果还会中文是加分项;




5、抗压能力强,具备创业精神; 1. recruit flagship enterprise customers in an overseas market and migrate them onto cloud.

2. establish local partner network to resell and services;

3. also carry the kpi of total local market consumption, including on-line customer acquisition;

4. help on local marketing events to recruit customers;

5. other international assignment as assigned;


1. knowledge and e_perience of working as a sales or bd in an international market;

2. able to work independently in a remote market and achieve result in highly stressful environment;

3. e_cellent english communication skills

4. cloud related knowledge

5. able to team work with team members across regions

6. 7+ years of working e_perience.


国际云业务渠道管理 1. recruit flagship enterprise customers in an overseas market and migrate them onto cloud.2. establish local partner network to resell and s…
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  • 国际业务管理岗位职责
  • 国际业务管理岗位职责18人关注

    国际云业务渠道管理 1. recruit flagship enterprise customers in an overseas market and migrate them onto cloud.2. establish local partner network to re ...[更多]
